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Energy efficiency

Master doors supplies its’ customers with the most beautiful and efficient doors possible. Here are answers to some of the most common questions for master door’s doors.

Is wood an energy-efficient building material?

According to the temperate forest foundation, wood is 16 times more efficient as an insulator than concrete, 415 times as efficient as steel and 2,000 times as efficient as aluminum. And wood is the only truly sustainable resource as forests are able to regenerate themselves within our lifetime.

What can i do to make my entryways more energy efficient?

The majority of heat loss in an entryway occurs around the door rather than through the door. Therefore the most important considerations for energy efficiency are how well the door has been hung and the quality of the application of the weather stripping. Take great care during these steps or hire a professional to do the work for you.

Does master doors offer special glazing options for doors with glass?

Master doors offers insulated glass (i.G) units and argon-filled to meet virtually all climate considerations.

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