Our Doors are Proudly Made in Canada

Exterior doors are the heart of any property! Choosing the right type of exterior door for your home is more important than you may think. An exterior door opens up your home to people and represents the first impression of you when they step into your beautiful home. Whether you are purchasing your first door or renovating existing exterior doors, rest assured, we have a buyer’s guide for exterior doors selection in Canada. 

Choosing a material for your exterior door 

When it comes to choosing a door, choosing the right type of material for your door is important as it creates a beautiful exterior to your home and increases your property value. You want materials that suit your style and budget. Along with fitting your particular style, the right type of material should also be easy to install and maintain. You don’t want to be spending money and time on maintenance for years to come. 

Steel and fibreglass doors are beautiful but are often costly. They are also tough to install and maintain. If you are looking for a classical and elegant look when choosing a door, wood is your best bet. With its vintage look and feel, it’s suitable for every home and can be easily customized to suit your personalized taste. 

Exterior wood doors for strength and durability 

There is nothing stronger than solid wood doors. Known for its durability and resistance to internal and external pressures and cracking, wood is the perfect choice if you are looking for a long-lasting and inexpensive door. Although they are popular for their durability, solid wood doors need to be subjected to occasional maintenance but compared to other material, the maintenance is fairly easy. With regular polishing and touch-ups, the stunning wood finish can last for generations to come.

Exterior wood doors are environmentally friendly 

Unlike other materials, wooden doors are less taxing on the environment,  requiring less energy to make. Exterior wooden doors are not only beautiful to look at, but are also sustainable, recyclable, reusable and biodegradable – say hello to zero toxic waste. 

Known for its environmentally friendly design and features, wooden doors are also the best material to choose when you’re looking for a form of insulation against heat loss. Wooden doors come with frames which are seamlessly fitted to provide extra insulation. Better insulation will help you to attain and maintain low energy costs.

Exterior entries sometimes need additional protection against harsh elements. This is where stork doors can benefit your home. Storm doors that are wooden are the best solution to any damage that could be caused as it creates a barrier to protect your home. 

Design features for wood doors

Glass features 

Glass inserts can add an attractive addition to your home exterior. They can be a bit costly, however in addition with a dead-lock, can add to the safety of your home as these are difficult for thieves to break through. 


Solid wood rails help to brace a door and offer resistance against warping. When purchasing a wooden door, be sure to look for rails and stiles that have laminated wood for extra protective against harsh weather. 

Adjustable thresholds 

If you live in a colder climate or areas with bad weather conditions, adjustable thresholds are necessary to protect your door. This will also prevent costs involved with seal out rain in the future. 

Factors to consider when choosing a wooden exterior door?

Choose the correct door size

Will your door fit in your door frame? Did you measure for decorative materials, such as headlights or additional locks? Make sure to take measurements before purchasing your door so you do not purchase a size that falls short of its requirements. 

Choose a style and colour to complement your home 

It is important that you choose exterior doors that match your home, unique personality and those who reside in the property. The color should compliment your home, windows and wall shade. If you are going for an elegant look, choosing decorative styles such as glass can add to your home’s architecture. Take into consideration that the material and finishes you choose will make a lasting impact on the final look of your property. 

Choosing an exterior door for your home does not have to be a difficult task. The more features you choose, the more costly your door will be, however if you want a door that will last throughout your home for years to come, do not compromise on good quality. The right door can improve your property’s value, attractiveness and energy efficiency. Wood is the most common and versatile choice as it offers the best of both worlds with practicality and affordability.

No need to be overwhelmed by your choices when purchasing your exterior door. Consult our buyers guide for exterior doors selection in Canada the next time you are making your choice. We have expert wood door manufacturers to design solid oak doors for exterior French doors in Toronto to exterior wood doors in Canada. Contact us for more info!